Chi Chi and Richard are one of the nicest, honest people I know, I am so blessed to have shot their Mill Valley wedding back in August! Richard was one of the first friends to ask me to take some profile pictures for him while he was an intern at LinkedIn. At the time, I did not think that I had much going for me as a photographer, but he felt otherwise! So, thank you Rich for believing in me.

As I started getting more into taking portrait pictures, I felt that I was getting a better hang of it. I eventually started asking friends and strangers if I could take their portraits! Over the next few years, Rich would ask me to take a set of updated profile pictures for him. During this time, he was dating Chi, whom I have not met and only heard of. Now, for the good part (hold in your tears). Richard announced on Instagram that he was going to travel to Philippines and that NO ONE should mention this to Chi…well, you might ask yourself, why would he discretely travel there? Did he have another GF? Wife? KIDS?!! The truth is that Richard was vlogging a secret trip to meet Chi’s ill grandma to receive her blessing to marry Chi. Chi’s grandma played a very important role in her upbringing and Richard literally traveled 1,000 plus miles to get her blessing, this is something that happens in movies! How can you not love this guy! After Rich returned from the trip, he contacted me and asked if I can shoot his proposal. YOU BET I DID. Before Richard proposed, he took out an iPad and had Chi watch a video, she was very confused as to what was going on. The video she watched was Richard’s vlog to the Philippines to ask Chi’s grandma for the blessing. After that, he did it and the rest was history. I met Chi that night and I could not believe how nice she was, they were perfect for each other.

A few months after, Richard again asked me if I could shoot his wedding. Being able to shoot Rich’s proposal, engagement and wedding was an amazing journey. I felt such a strong connection between Chi and Rich, being able to capture it was just a small perk. Congrats, Chi and Rich! Love you two.

Thank you for stopping by!

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